soap # 38。。。 艾草清涼皂(fresh bathing)。。。 

↓ 脫模後2星期,青翠耀眼的綠色不見了~ 囧。

soap #38    

Ingredients:Coconut Oil, Palm Oil, Rice Bran Oil (infused with Eucalyptus), Almond Sweet Oil (infused with Thyme and St. John's wort), Camelina Oil, Shea Butter,  NaOH(Sodium Hydroxide / Lye), Hinoki (Taiwan cypress) Hydrosol

Additives:Artemisia Argyie Leaf Powder, Menthol, soap#31, soap#32 

Scent:Natural scent from Hinoki hydrosol and infused oils

Manufacture date:17 June, 2012


HOT Summer is coming. Just wanna make a soap with menthol to provide the cool feeling while showering. It would give you a fresh and relax experience after using such a soap with all natural scent.

Sometimes, I prefer to add nature essential oils in soaps but when time goes by, the scent will disappear finally. But this time, I try to use infused oils instead of normal oils to see if the soap fragrance will last longer. 

I add the materials in the container to the top then fill it up with the oils, store in cool place at least 6 months to make sure the more days, the more rich fragrance.

The infused oils are with very good smell especially for the St. John's wort one. Hard to say a word to describle it. :P

As for the receipe, camelina oil is one of the best oils for hair, rice bran oil and almond sweet oil are both good at foaming the light and big bubbles. This soap can be used from top to toe, one soap can cover all. GREAT!

In order to test my new stuff - the Artemisia Argyie leaf powder, I colored with it to present the natural green. It may not last longer since it's natural powder not artificial stuff.  


南部的夏天一向來得早~ 在名為春天的季節裡,我已經置身火爐當中了~


這款皂梭哈了我手上所有去年買的薄荷腦,涼度的話就看個人肌膚感受了,今年薄荷腦價格連翻漲,漲到不可思議的境界,所以是真的買不下手啊~~~ 因此今年應該不會再做涼涼皂了....



其實浸泡油的成本其實蠻高的,為了要把香氣與療效給激發出來,我把瓶罐裝滿植物素材,再用油填滿瓶子,半年後開封,過濾殘渣後,油所剩不多,因為都植物吸走了,植物的精華全留在油裡,滴滴精華的浸泡油,保證真材實料、香氣十足嘿 XD,偶爾也要對自己好一點咩~


這次做皂的目的之一也是要測試新入手的艾草粉(包含這次買的,共買過3家的艾草粉,粉多到一種無言的境界 @@"),沒有意外的話,年底飄洋過海到米國給阿宅的聖誕禮物,也會附上這一塊皂^^

 2013.4.28 補充:


依稀記得我加了很多很多薄荷腦,但是薄荷腦的清涼感並沒有很強烈,可能是隨著時間一久,皂裡的薄荷腦就揮發的差不多了。目前洗到剩薄薄的一片也沒有軟爛喔~ 洗在身體上不會涼,不過洗在臉上就有感覺了,不會有刺激感(我是敏感肌),洗完滋潤度稍嫌不足,但也不會緊繃,起泡度也很OK,泡泡是大泡泡,拿來洗頭也很OK,不潤絲一樣會打結就是了 XD (敏感+油肌+長髮+硬水區)



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