。。。痘痘舒緩凝膠 (Acne relief Gel)。。。
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↓ finished 完成囉~ 用了資生堂敏感膚質用的碧麗妃草本系列的瓶子裝,這個系列夭壽貴啊~~
Ingredients:Natural Essential Oils (Cedarwood Atlas, Lavender French HT, Niaouli, Rosewood), German Chamomile Hydrosol, Aloe Gel, Organic UnRefined Jojoba Golden Oil, Organic UnRefined Almond Sweet Oil
Manufacture date:15 May, 2012
My skin is acne prone skin with oily, sensitive and sometimes it will have a bad break out. I tired to find a way to solve the complicated problem.
Regular use of aloe vera gel for face may also reduce acne and acne scars. It has a soothing effect, which is good for combating inflammation caused by acne.
German Chamomile Hydrosol is also good for any skin irritation. Powerful anti-inflammatory action makes it the first toner of my choice. It can cool and heal my rosacea and other inflamed skin conditions. Please soak some cotton wool pads with the hydrosol and cover the skin, it's better than to use spray directly.
Since oily skin is easy to break out, I especially choose some essential oils not only to keep skin moisture balancing but also to help heal the acne prone, even can sooth the skin after insect bites or relief the effects of sunburns.
調了複方油,想到要在臉上按摩又有點懶,滴了1滴在DMS清爽型乳液裡擦臉,還是覺得有點油,想說不然加在蘆薈膠裡試試看,沒想到永久的蘆薈膠好黏啊~~ 黏到我都覺得臉上可以直接貼符咒去吹電風扇,應該不會掉下來... XD
擦在臉上不會有一層膜的感覺,也不會黏膩了,德國洋甘菊純露跟其他精油混在一起後,味道變得很柔和,油脂有多了點,因為是用按摩油去調的,缺點是,這個凝膠的保溼性不夠強,這是在暗示我該去敗奧圖玫瑰精油回來嗎? XDD